Our Work...

We meet the immediate and long term food and nutrition needs of targeted communities, and build their resilience to respond to repeated shocks.

Activities & Stories of Change

Celebrating WHD2022
World Health day 2022: our planet, our health
Knowledge is power....Good Agricultural practices is possible
Transforming communities through KNOWLEDGE on Nutrition and Climate Smart/Good Agricultural Practices...
Pumpkin porridge
Cooking Demonstration during a care group session in kariba
A key strategy in battling child malnutrition is to ensure that mothers and child caregivers are knowledgeable...
Resilience building by promoting the adoption of positive nutrition behaviours through consumption of locally available foods
Dietary changes can be influenced by many factors such as geographical, environmental, social, and economic...
Community System Strengthening for Reducing Vulnerability, Restoring Economic Sustainability, and Improving Recovery from Covid-19 in Zimbabwe
Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ) is in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF) and Africa Ahead (AA)...