Our Work...

We meet the immediate and long term food and nutrition needs of targeted communities, and build their resilience to respond to repeated shocks.

Activities & Stories of Change

Nutrition diversity and environmental stewardship bears fruits.
Thank you @usaid nutrition diversity and environmental stewardship is bearing fruits as it is catering...
Picture1 orchard
Orchard establishment yielding positive results
Behaviour change and good agricultural practices capped with best nutrition practices in mind are bearing...
celebrating africa day 2022
The Year of Nutrition Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent:...
Farm pic 6
Improved nutrition outcomes through growing of NUA45 beans.
Following FARM Activity trainings on nutrition gardens, meal demonstrations and dietary diversity, triggered...
Farm Pic 2
Hygiene and basic nutrition trainings set to improve nutrition and hygiene outcomes.
The FARM Activity trained 65 farmers, 62 % females and 40 % youths, from Shingiriro Yebudiriro Producer...