
Multisector emergency intervention for vulnerable Zimbabweans affected by the protracted drought and socioeconomic crisis

Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ) is in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF) and Africa Ahead (AA) in implementing the Multisector emergency intervention for vulnerable Zimbabweans affected by the protracted drought and socioeconomic crisis project, funded by USAID/OFDA (BHA). The project has a total budget of $1million and is running for 12 months starting on 1 …

Multisector emergency intervention for vulnerable Zimbabweans affected by the protracted drought and socioeconomic crisis Read More »

Strengthening multi-sectoral governance and accountability for nutrition at both national and sub national levels in Zimbabwe

The main thrust of the project is to capacitate and support lower-level nutrition governance structures to be able to plan, implement and monitor nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions aimed at curbing all forms of malnutrition. This project was designed to complement ongoing activities through the government led Multi sectoral community-based model for stunting reduction …

Strengthening multi-sectoral governance and accountability for nutrition at both national and sub national levels in Zimbabwe Read More »

Multisectoral Community Based Model for Stunting Reduction

Makunike association is a group of 30 farmers under the leadership of Mrs Mabika the local AGRITEX Officer in ward 7 of Mutasa district. The association consists of 11 men and 19 women. In the association there are 6 mothers of children 6-23 months old. The group is composed of farmers who have embraced nutrition …

Multisectoral Community Based Model for Stunting Reduction Read More »