Step up for breastfeeding: Educate and support
#breastfeeding #WBW2022 #StepUpForBreastfeeding
#breastfeeding #WBW2022 #StepUpForBreastfeeding
Step up for breastfeeding, Educate and support Breastfeeding Facts Breastfeeding burns between 500-600 calories a day. That means some moms might end up losing weight without any additional exercise. Breast milk is a living substance that contains live cells, including stem cells, which go on to become other body cell types like brain, heart, kidney, or …
Thank you @usaid nutrition diversity and environmental stewardship is bearing fruits as it is catering for household consumption and income generation. Loveness Mauyangwe and her daughter in law, Maria Dhliwayo from Ward 1 in Chiredzi are enjoying the benefits of vegetable diversification in their diet from their nutrition garden. The FARM activity is encouraging women …
Nutrition diversity and environmental stewardship bears fruits. Read More »
Behaviour change and good agricultural practices capped with best nutrition practices in mind are bearing good fruits at Mr Pachiti’s homestead. Following Technical assistance (TA) from FARM and trainings on orchard establishment and benefits of fruits in diets last year, he has made efforts to establish a 0.1 ha orchard comprising of paw paws, macadamia …
Orchard establishment yielding positive results Read More »
The Year of Nutrition Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Development. According to Todd Benson etal child undernutrition remains one of Africa’s most fundamental challenges for improved human development. Because of limited resources, time …
Following FARM Activity trainings on nutrition gardens, meal demonstrations and dietary diversity, triggered 50 farmers from Chibuwe and Musikavanhu to take 0.2ha portions of their irrigation land to plant NUA 45 sugar beans this season. Traditionally, farmers from Chibuwe and Musikavanu have been planting white speckled sugar bean varieties for years using retained seed from …
Improved nutrition outcomes through growing of NUA45 beans. Read More »
Private sector engagement set to improve access to water by smallholder famers. Access to clean and potable water is a necessity for everyone, especially women of child bearing age to reduce the burden of care and enable them to have enough time to take care of the babies at home. Amongst the four farmers ,one …
Nutrition Action Zimbabwe and Africa Ahead are implementing an integrated Food and Nutrition Security as well as WASH and Economic recovery and Market system led by Action Contre La Faim, funded by USAID BHA in Kariba District (ward 10,11 and 12). Thanks to the training facilities invested for the 3 wards by Zimbabwe Resilience Building …
Community adequate nutrition (balanced diet) is very important during all the stages of life, as a healthy life cannot be sustained without adequate balanced diet. Deficiency diseases (Kwashiorkor) caused by micro nutritive is one of the serious problems amongst many communities in Zimbabwe. Nutritional deficiency is most prevalent in rural areas where the habitual diet …