New poultry breed has brought new life to New Life group

Following trainings on dietary diversity and balanced diet from Feed the Future Zimbabwe Fostering Agribusiness for Resilient Markets (FARM), the New Life producer group in Shinja village Chimanimani ward 6 have taken a step ahead and managed to procure 100 Sasol chicken breeds. The New Life poultry producer group comprises of 20 group members, 75% women and 15% youths. The group has been linked to Denford Murombedzi, who sells Sasol road runner chickens in Chipinge. The members stated that they only had road runners which did not provide many eggs as most of them were only used for hatching and the breeds that they had, grew slowly thus limiting them in terms of availability and access to eggs and poultry meat for animal-based protein.  Now they have bought the Sasol breed which will provide them with meat, eggs and income to buy other sources of foods in line with the Activity objectives of increasing incomes and nutrition outcomes. The group intends to start goat production if they get enough remittances from the sale of eggs and the chickens. The goats will also provide milk for the family as they were encouraged to consume at least a glass of milk daily in line with the Activity promoted milk month and World Milk Day. New Life producer group have learnt that to have a diet rich in protein there are a variety of foods that can be consumed including fleshy foods and animal products.

Scholastica Matawo said, “We are grateful of Feed the Future for introducing us to this new breed of chickens which will provide nutrient variety and income to the family. We say goodbye to malnutrition now”.

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