Cooking Demonstration during a care group session in kariba

A key strategy in battling child malnutrition is to ensure that mothers and child caregivers are knowledgeable and skilled in preparing nutritionally balanced food. This strategy is implemented, in part,, through participatory cooking demonstrations in Care groups. An example presented by a Care Group in Kariba ward 7 Nebiri, conducting a cooking demonstration on variety of recipes to prepare nutritious porridge for consumption by children under 24 months. Documented by Duduzile Kandengwa

Pumpkin porridge
Cooked pumpkin mixed with sorghum mealie meal, with a tablespoon of peanut butter
Sweet potato porridge, mixed with sorghum mealie meal and baobab powder
Combo mixture, pumpkin, baobab powder, pumpkin leaves, sweet potatatoes and millet mealie meal

1 thought on “Cooking Demonstration during a care group session in kariba”

  1. Nutrition behaviour change sounds complicated if we think in terms of money to buy good food but Naturaly available resources which we grow at our homes are much more safer and nutritous. Is it that our mindsets have been hoodwinked by advertisements

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