You empower a woman you have empowered the whole community.

My name is Tracy Jeke, I live in Magadzire village Mwenezi. I lost my husband a few years ago. With no one to turn to for support I decided to join other women in the nutrition care group. The group taught us how to eat healthy foods. I did this as a way of helping my daughter in law and their children in order to avoid stunting growth.

We started groups embarking on various projects and our big project was that of fruits and vegetables. We would go and sell vegetables during the market days and earn money which we would share as group. However, water challenges stalled the projects.

Having received mentorship from my mother in making reed mates I started teaching other woman how to make the mates. Today my daughters in law are now able to make reed mates. We are now earning a living through making reed mates in Mwenezi’s Ward 12.

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