Strengthening multi-sectoral governance and accountability for nutrition at both national and sub national levels in Zimbabwe

The main thrust of the project is to capacitate and support lower-level nutrition governance structures to be able to plan, implement and monitor nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions aimed at curbing all forms of malnutrition. This project was designed to complement ongoing activities through the government led Multi sectoral community-based model for stunting reduction which was first piloted in districts with high stunting rates (Chipinge, Chiredzi, Mwenezi and Mutasa) and eventually rolled out to other deserving districts. The main components of the programme include.

Coordination and collaboration of Provincial, District, Ward Food Nutrition Security committee meeting.

This involved convening of lower-level structures nutrition governance meetings, carrying out assessments of context specific drivers of stunting development of the action plans to address these drivers.

Review meetings.

Carrying out of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs with community leadership, adolescents and caregivers, pregnant and lactating women in Mutasa and Chipinge districts on an ongoing basis to identify new drivers and assess the impact of interventions so as to influence current and future activities.

Engagement meetings with community/religious leaders.

Education sessions for adolescent girls in support groups and community leadership during the kick out stunting campaigns.

Collection and analysis of SAA data.

Carrying out of FGDs with community leadership, adolescents, caregivers, pregnant and lactating women. The process aims to establish the enablers and barriers in the adoption of the promoted Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) practices to influence current and future programming priorities.

Behaviour change campaigns – Kicking out stunting.

This is an initiative crafted to actively engage youths and lower-level nutrition governance structures in the fight against stunting through sporting activities.

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